Centerfire Rifle Ammo

Showing 25–36 of 425 results

Buffalo Bore Jacketed Flat-Nose Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

Bring home your prey with the Buffalo Bore Jacketed Flat-Nose Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, which is ideal for big game hunting

Buffalo Bore Sniper .223 Remington Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

Bring down your prey with the Buffalo Bore Sniper .223 Remington Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, which features boat-tail, hollow-point bullets with brass casings that are ideal for hunting medium and large game. 20-round box.

Buffalo Bore Sniper .223 Remington/5.56 NATO 55-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

Bring down medium and large game with the Buffalo Bore Sniper .223 Remington/5.56 NATO 55-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, which features ballistic silvertip bullets with brass casings. 20-round box.

Buffalo Bore Sniper .308 Winchester 175-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

The Buffalo Bore Sniper .308 Winchester 175-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition, which features boat-tail, hollow-point bullets with brass casings and is great for hunting medium and large game.

Centerfire Rifle Ammo & Shells | Price Match Guaranteed

Whether sport shooting or hunting, having the right rifle ammunition is important. Browse Academy's selection of ammo and shells for centerfire rifles online.

DoubleTap Ammunition Longrange Barnes LRX 6.5 Creedmoor 127-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

This DoubleTap Ammunition Longrange Barnes LRX 6.5 Creedmoor 127-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition includes 20 rounds and a lead free construction. Made in USA.

Federal American Eagle Training Full Metal Jacket Boat-Tail .300 Blackout 150-Grain Ammunition – …

The Federal American Eagle Training Full Metal Jacket Boat-Tail .300 Blackout 150-Grain Ammunition is recommended for target shooting and features reloadable brass cases. Includes 20 rounds.

Federal Fusion .308 Winchester 180-Grain Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

The Savage Youth Axis 7mm-08 Remington Bolt-Action Rifle is designed with a 20″ carbon-steel barrel and a black synthetic stock

Federal Premium .300 Win Magnum 180-Grain Fusion Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

Designed for medium-sized game, the Federal Premium® .300 Win. Magnum 180-Grain Fusion Centerfire Rifle Ammunition features brass casings and fusion bullets. 20-round case.

Federal Premium .300 Win Short Magnum 180-Grain Fusion Centerfire Rifle Ammunition

The Federal Premium® .300 Win. Short Magnum 180-Grain Fusion Centerfire Rifle Ammunition offers brass casings and is ideal for medium game hunting. 20-round box.

Federal Premium American Eagle .224 Valkyrie 75 Grain TMJ Rifle Ammunition – 20 Rounds

Suitable for long-range shooters and hunters, the Federal Premium American Eagle .224 Valkyrie 75 Grain TMJ Rifle Ammunition flies at flat trajectories with minimal wind drift, drop and recoil.